– Family Sponsorship –
Facilitating Family Reunification through Family Sponsorship:
Canada, with a steadfast commitment to keeping families together, offers a range of immigration programs that empower Canadians to sponsor their family members for immigration. This inclusive approach extends to various relationships, including:
- Spouses, Common-law, or Conjugal Partners (18 years of age or older)
- Parents and Grandparents
- Dependent Children, Including Adopted Childrenedical Issues
- Children Under 18 Years Intended for Adoption
- Children in Guardianship
- Brothers, Sisters, Nephews, Nieces, or Grandchildren who are Orphans, Under 18, and Not Married or in a Common-law Relationship
Family Sponsorship is suitable for Canadians and Permanent Residents eager to sponsor close relatives for Permanent Residence. Reunification stands as one of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s top priorities.
Unlike other application categories, individuals being sponsored by a family member, often a spouse or parent, are not subjected to point systems or discretionary selection criteria. Instead, the sponsoring family member in Canada plays a pivotal role in assisting the sponsored individual in establishing themselves in Canada.
During the application process, sponsored individuals must undergo medical examinations and provide police clearance certificates. If you aspire to sponsor your parents or grandparents to join you in Canada, we invite you to contact us for a consultation. Our team is here to guide you through the Family Sponsorship process, fostering the unification of families in the welcoming embrace of Canada.