Start-Up Visa Evaluation Form

    Canada offers Permanent Residence under the Federal Start-up Visa Program

    Complete the following form and we will contact you to discuss your start-up visa immigration options.

    This form assesses professionals' and skilled workers' eligibility for Canadian permanent residence.

    Personal Information

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Email *

    Confirm Email *


    Age *

    Sex *

    Country of Residence *

    Ability in English and French

    Read *

    Write *

    Speak *

    Listen *

    Read *

    Write *

    Speak *

    Listen *

    Personal Net worth in CAD$

    This refers to the total value of all assets of an investor (combined with spouse or common-law partner), minus the total debts owed by the investor. Assets primarily include real estate, shares of publicly traded companies, and cash deposits in banks. Real estate must be supported by market appraisals. To participate in the program there is no requirement to liquidate assets beyond the amount of the government investment.

    Do you have a minimum net worth of $250,000 CAD? *


    Your total Personal Net Worth (cash and assets): *


    Business information

    What is your current business activity and for how long? *

    Do you have any current or past involvement with a start-up business? *


    If yes please give details:

    Have you ever applied for a start-up visa in Canada or any other country? *


    If yes where and when?

    What is your highest level of education? Please give relevant details. *

    Do you have at least intermediate abilities in the English language (speaking, reading, writing and understanding)? *


    Do you have any experience working with venture capital, angel investors, or incubators / accelerators? *


    If yes please give details:

    Do you have a specific business concept that you believe could support a project to Canada? *


    If yes please give details:

    If no, would you have interest to collaborate with our business advisory team to create a viable business project to support a credible project under this program? *


    Upload CV

    Allowed file formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, PPT, PPTX

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